
Apps Senior Developer
Are you passionate about the mobile world? If what you carry in your pocket for yourself is much more than a phone, and you spend your dead hours developing applications for Android and iOS (at least), you should not miss...
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3D & Design positions
Senior 3D Artist - Opportunity in the Aeronautical Sector Job Description: Our team is looking to hire two experienced 3D modelers proficient in 3dsMax. This position is ideal for those with specialized skills in both organic and hard surface modeling....
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Front Senior Developer
Your area of expertise is front-end. You like things to be beautiful, and the user experience is important to you. If you have knowledge of WebGL, Javascript, CSS (with Less or similar)..., do not hesitate to write us. Knowledge in...
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Full Stack Developer
Are you a Full Stack developer? If so, you have mastered a multitude of technologies. You're really an advanced programmer who has had to deal with all kinds of languages, solve the most curious situations in all kind of environments,...
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